Geraldine Doyle - A Drop Of The Funny Stuff
Doyle's serious about her comedy. That's why she insists on writing her own material, working from her life situations and her incisive observations of the people and events around her. In her early days in her native Dublin, she was a singer trying to work her way up from a poor family background. Between songs, she would offer pungent stories about whatever was on her mind. Those commentaries, laced with her inherent good humor, became more and more in demand with her audiences until she saw things turned around. Soon, she knew that her humor was her way of sharing something grand with the world. Her fans always have known that they would get nothing but the best and funniest routines. And someone coming across her for the first time is shocked at how they've missed her for so long. She feels that comedy is a universally understood way of complaining about the world and she does that with rapier-sharp skill. She is at her best off-the-cuff and like the great comics of the past, includes her audiences in all that she does.
"In a field often noted more for safe comedy, "Geraldine Doyle is a splendid example of a bright head and sharp wit keeping the world laughing at itself." —Daniel L. Cusick
"In a field often noted more for safe comedy, "Geraldine Doyle is a splendid example of a bright head and sharp wit keeping the world laughing at itself." —Daniel L. Cusick